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Posts tagged ‘middle school computer class’

Typing Class: Middle School Computer Lessons

Typing Class: Middle School Computer Lessons

Do you teach a keyboarding class? Today, typing on a keyboard is still a vital skill for students. With more high stakes tests (PARCC) being taken on computers, keyboarding is more important than ever. However, teaching just keyboarding is boring! You need to spice up your typing instruction with some interesting lessons that can relate to students lives and draw their interests. If you are just teaching a class that covers typing only, good luck. you are probably dealing with student behavior issues and kids looking at their fingers on the keys just to get through your class. I recommend that your class only types for 5-7 (10 at the most) minutes of typing each time you meet. Short and sweet at the end of the class. Brain research dictates that the beginning of a class is the most vital time for learning. More than likely you use this time for your keyboarding, really the last few minutes may be the best time for keyboarding.

If you are looking for classroom computer lessons that will interest your students, check out www.middleschoolcomputerlessons.com and check out the 2 free sample lessons from the “Complete Middle School Computer Curriculum”.



4 year old describes the Cloud; Middle School Computer Lessons

I came home from work today and my 4-year-old son was going on and on about “The Cloud”. His grandmother said he had been talking about it all day and she had no idea what he was talking about.

I asked him “Can you tell Nanny exactly what the Cloud is?” He said  “When you download it on one iPod it is on all your iPods”

He is exactly right. I had downloaded some things on my school iPad and they appeared on the iPad he was using at home. I explained the cloud once to him, but didn’t think he was really listening. He is a “Digital Native”, meaning that this type of technology has been around since he was born, he knows nothing else. So, he is way more technologically inclined than his 50 something grandmother. To him “The Cloud” is just another cool thing about the Ipad that he knows about. To her is shrouded in mystery, and something that she may not fully understand.

As teachers we need to understand the kids in our rooms have grown up with Google, Ipods and the like. For us, these are things that came about fairly recently in our lives. They have an entirely different way of looking at technology. We have to consider this when we attempt to “teach” them in any class, especially a Computer or technology class.

Feel free to comment, I would like to hear your thoughts.

For more ideas about teaching technology check out www.middleschoolcomputerlessons.com

Middle School Computer Lessons; What to do with that old PC?

Middle School Computer Lessons; What to do with that old PC?

arcade machine
It doesn’t have much to do with Middle School Computer Lessons, but it is kind of a neat idea. Take that old PC and convert it into an “Old School” MAME Arcade machine. I Found an old Ms. Pacman shell with no guts, added my old Gateway and an X-arcade controller.

For actual materials that you can use in your “middle school computer” class

visit www.middleschoolcomputerlessons.com

Middle School Computer Lessons; Setting Learning Goals

Middle School Computer Lessons; Setting Learning Goals

On the first day of class, one of the things I do is have the children set personal learing goals for my class. This takes about one class period, then I print and post them at the entrance of my room for all to see.

They use Word and word-art to make their names large on 1/2 sheet. Below they are to have at least 2 goals; 1 personal typing goal and another goal that deals with technology , some may want to include more than 2 goals. They are also encouraged to include one piece of clip art and/or their photo.

I would love to hear your comments!

For more thoughts on Middle School Computer Lessons, activities and Books and ebooks of lessons visit www.middleschoolcomputerlessons.com

Middle School Computer Lessons; Google Earth Scavenger Hunt

Middle School Computer Lessons; Google Earth Scavenger Hunt

If you are looking for an interesting way to introduce Google Earth to your students, I have an activity for you. This this activity is good for about 3 class periods.

During the first class, I like to introduce Google Earth (GE) to the class by a little class discussion to see who is familiar with it. I find about half of younger students have never heard of it. Either way, I will show the location of our school then introduce some of the basic tools. I give the rest of the period as a day to “Explore” GE. I ask them to find the school, their house and at least one other place and add place marks to them. Towards the end of class we will discuss some interesting things that they have discovered.

I use the iPad in my class by showing them GE on it and then having a few students travel down the hallway with it and they can observe the little blue dot move as they move in the building. (This is pretty popular with my students). Your building would have to be wireless for this to work.

The next day I pair up my students and hand out my GE Scavenger hunt. It includes Questions that you need GE to answer and a rubric for them to write their answers on. I total up the points when they are finished, It takes 1-2 class periods. This can get pretty competitive, my classes love this activity and it makes them use GE as a tool in ways that they may not have thought of before. During this activity, my role is to guide the pairs of students as needed. I don’t give answers, only clues.

Google earth scavenger Hunt & Rubric

 For more Middle School Computer Lessons and ideas visit:  www.middleschoolcomputerlessons.com  and for 2 more free sample lessons email support@middleschoolcomputerlessons.com

Middle School Computer Lessons; 3 Best Classroom Tools

Middle School Computer Lessons; 3 Best Classroom Tools

Teaching in a Middle School Computer class can be challenging. Dealing with things like getting 25 computers working at the same time while adding 25 pre-teens into the mix can be quite a task. I find these three tools most useful in my experience.

1. Projector with remote– Most remotes will give you a “Freeze” option. This will freeze the projector screen while you can still use the pc screen without letting the class see what you are doing. You can be preparing the next lesson while the directions for the current assignment are still up.

2. Bluetooth Keyboard and Mouse– Wireless slate…nope. I had a slate for years, the fancy one too and I find that a bluetooth mouse is way better. I can move around the room and control the pc that is connected to the computer. I can also pass around the mouse to students when I teach. Or even just use it as a clicker when showing a powerpoint. The keyboard can be passed around the class too, typing is difficult or impossible with a slate.

3. Laser pointer This can be used on your screen or flash it on a student’s pc when they need to focus on the task at hand instead of disturbing a quiet class to get a student to get on the home row.

I would love to hear your comments and ideas.

For more ideas for the technology classroom visit: www.middleschoolcomputerlessons.com

Are Tablets the Future of Education? Middle School Computer Lessons

Are Tablets the Future of Education?

Not too long ago, I was convinced that Netbooks were the way to go for the future of education technology. I am not so sure any more. With the prices of tablets coming down significantly, tablets look better and better..

I feel that the Ipad is the Cadillac of all tablets, it is the best without question. However, with the soon to come tablet from Amazon, and dozens of competitors including all Android devices, tablets seem like a viable option to schools.

Some may say that BYOD “Bring Your Own Device” is the way to go. Maybe for high schools, but for middle schoolers a variety of devices is problematic for instruction.

Tablets are more and more attractive for several reasons: 1. Prices are falling; $200 per tablet could be the key for districts to move away from print books to a 1 to 1 tablet model. 2. Portability could make it easier for students to carry the device instead of a pile of books. 3. Tech savvy students would welcome tablets to replace bulky textbooks.

For materials/books/ebooks to use in your technology class visit www.middleschoolcomputerlessons.com

Lesson Plan Format

Are you a principal looking for a consistent lesson plan format for your staff? Do some of your teachers still hand write their lesson plans before they turn them into you?

MSCL Publishing offers “Lesson Plan Design” where they will design a lesson plan format for your staff. This can be saved as a Word doc or a PDF file to turn into you or post on a web site. The entire staff will have consistent lesson plans that are easy to read and follow. They are designed on a customized school by school basis.

To learn more click here, or contact MSCL at support@middleschoolcomputerlessons.com

Middle School Computer Lessons; Home Schooling

If you are a parent who has decided to home school your child and you are looking for meaningful computer lessons for grades 5-9 click here for some free sample lessons.  These lessons cover the International Society for Technology standards and will challenge your student in ways that you may not have thought of.

New to teaching a Computer Class?

Did your principal just inform you that you will be teaching a computer class in the fall? Are you looking for materials for this NEW class??? Do you feel short of breath?

Wouldn’t it ease your mind to find all the materials you need to teach computer classes grades 5 through 8?

Visit www.middleschoolcomputerlessons.com to get all the materials you need to teach the best computer class. The lessons are written by real middle school computer teachers and are PERFECT for someone just starting out.

Go to www.middleschoolcomputerlessons.com and request some free sample lessons to see what it is all about.

These books are being used around the country and are a great source for JR. Hith/Middle School aged students.